[Physics 5, 8 (2012)]
I'm sure most people are familiar with the idea that light consists of photons and know that when a single photon is fired at a 50:50 beam splitter, it will be detected either in one branch of the apparatus or the other with equal probability. (This sort of light is called antibunched and it is not emitted by normal light sources such as lamps, however single atoms exited by a laser do emit this sort of light. Bunched light emitted by a regular lamp on the other hand can (and will sometimes) trigger both detectors simultaneously.)
Now instead of using a single photon source, if we have a source which gives two entangled photons (it's not important how they are made, it is sufficient to know we can) something strange happens. We know that the entangled photons have opposite polarization and that they are always generated in pairs. If photon A has vertical polarization then photon B has horizontal and vice versa. This can be detected by a polarizing beam splitter. When the angle between the polarizing beam splitter at left and right are equal, nothing strange happens, if we detect vertical left, we will detect horizontal right and vice versa However if one of the polarizing beam splitters is rotated by 45 degrees then something strange happens. At 45 degrees the transmission probability of vertically and horizontally polarized photon is 50% (or if you consider the process as continuous then you might say that the power is split 50:50). What you see is that each time no photons are lost, we always detect 2 photons, one at the left side of the apparatus, the other at the right side of the apparatus. However if one counts the correlations between the photons, say a photon which at the left side was detected having a horizontal polarization and at the right side was detected having vertical polarization, we get roughly 70% (sqrt(2)/2), same if reverse order is detected, but how could this be? A polarizing beam splitter has 50% transmission for both polarization states so one might classically expect no more to be possible.
The quantum mechanical prediction is different and consistent with the experiments. Somehow the other photon knows which way the other went (in certain sense).