I'm not convinced human minds truly understand the meaning of the questions asked or even the meaning of the answers we produce. Perhaps we simply react in a manner which minimizes the error function and this has come to be as a result of our kind of system adapting to the kinds of environments we've evolved in. Maybe the meaning we experience is at least partially illusory and related to emotional mechanisms which in turn are related survival and such.
Espoo |
It seems that for a consciousness memories can be material as much a computer to its user so at least that part of the human being can be identical to a Philosophical zombie. We can lose our computers and still remain conscious even if without our computers we are in some ways lesser begins. However, if we keep continuously losing all our memories, are we ourselves anymore from one moment to another even if some kind of consciousness remains?
Inkoo |
Basically, there is no scientific interpretation of the Schrödinger equation or Einstein equation. Science is just the best prediction, interpretations are philosophy. Though, in the end both philosophy and physics are just practical human endeavours which only deal in conditionals.
Lähderanta |
Objects in relativity always "move" at the "speed" of light. Under normal circumstances, while they are stationary (relative to the observer), their "speed" is fully in the "direction of time". If they begin to move (in the normal sense), part of their available "speed" is "spent in spatial direction" and less remains for the "temporal direction". Similarly, gravity curves spacetime and the aforementioned "direction", so the objects direction of "movement" results in relative time dilation.
Beetle |
I think it is safe to say that nobody knows what the nature of the universe was prior to big bang, but it's plausible that time loses meaning between Planck time and zero. So talking about time before the big bang is likely nonsensical. Some other (speculative) dimensions relevant to certain concerns might still exist, but they wouldn't have the same meaning to us as time does. Time doesn't exist as the kind of independent dimension our intuition makes it appear anyway so it's not so far fetched that the meaning of time might vanish entirely in the beginning.