This chip has a rather peculiar sample format, it's 13 bit floating point with 10 bits for mantissa and 3 bits for exponent. The chip requires 3.58 MHz input, uses 8 data bits and one address bit. I used a cheap FPGA board to generate the clock for the chip and fed the digital samples back to the FPGA. I converted the floating point number into regular 16-bit integer and used a software delta-sigma modulator running at 50 MHz to convert back to analog signal.
The chip contrary to the datasheets 16 bits seemed to be output 18 bits during a single SYNC cycle (SYNC is cyan in the above image, CLK is yellow). First 5 extra bits were irrelevant. According to the datasheet only first 3 bits were supposed to be irrelevant. It also appears this chips seemed to work fine with 3.3 V where in the datasheet the minimum voltage was listed as 4.5 V. Operating it with 3.3 V was convenient as my FPGA supplied this voltage and could also only accept 3.3 V logic.
The above is the signal directly measured from the 1-bit digital FPGA pin which is sigma-delta modulated (1st order) digital-to-analog conversion of the signal generated by the YM3812 chip. The sampling frequency is just so high (50 MHz) that it looks very good analog signal when low pass filtered.
Taking a running average (a kind of low pass filter) of the delta-sigma modulated signal yields an analog signal. The higher the "oversampling" rate, the more faithful the filtered signal is to the original (up to some high frequency cutoff). |
Second order delta-sigma modulation shapes the noise in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio even further at the expense of the S/N at the higher frequencies. |
The effect of higher order DSMs on quantization noise.
Below, 1-bit 1st order DSM and 4-bit 2nd order DSM demonstration code in Matlab.
out = 0;
int = 0;
for x = 1:length(t)
int = int + sin(pi*t(x)) - out(x);
if int > 0
out(x+1) = 1;
out(x+1) = -1;
out2 = 0;
int1 = 0;
int2 = 0;
for x = 1:length(t)
int1 = int1 + 6*sin(pi*t(x)) - out2(x);
int2 = int2 + int1 - out2(x);
out2(x+1) = round(int2);
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