The problem with reasons for causal things is that they're related to time, but causality is just an observation. Sticks don't come into existence at their tips. The tips are just an edge (of an object that exists). If the universe exists today, why would it exist tomorrow? What is the cause for the existence of tomorrow? No reason? Perhaps we should try to demonstrate that existence can never have a reason or more exactly that reasons for existence are ultimately nonsense. Then is the reason for the existence of consciousness also nonsense? Perhaps it too is just an observation about a thing that exist.
Why not just say that morality and values originate from our state of existence which is fundamentally arbitrary, but can be universal over a broad range of different societies to the extent that we humans share such conditions due to our evolutionary history.
Pareto efficiency is a state of allocation of resources from which it is impossible to reallocate so as to make any one individual or preference criterion better off without making at least one individual or preference criterion worse off. A production-possibility frontier, the red line in the figure above, is an example of a Pareto-efficient frontier, where the frontier and the area left and below it is a continuous room of choices. The red points on the frontier are examples of Pareto-optimal choices of production. Points off the frontier, such as N and K, are not Pareto-efficient, since there exist points on the frontier which Pareto-dominate them [wikipedia]. |
Suppose evil is defined as ignorance of all the well-being you and others would experience if you behaved another way. In principle dictatorship, free market economy and communism can all be Pareto optimal. Perhaps even societies with slavery. What is Pareto optimal depends on your values so even if evil is ignorance of the landscape of well-being you may well find yourself in favor of dictatorship even if you're well aware of the landscape. Even adding the veil of ignorance won't solve the equation.
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